Interview with the Correspondent of Associated Press, Gilmore, and more
Interview with the Correspondent of Associated Press, Gilmore
March 22nd, 1946
Question: What significance do you believe the United Nations Organization has as a means of maintaining international peace?
Answer: I think the United Nations Organization is of great
importance because it is an important instrument for the maintaining of
peace and international security. The strength of this international
Organization lies in the principle of the equality of states and not on
the domination of some over the rest. If the United Nations
Organization manages to maintain the principle of equality it will
definitely play a great and positive role in ensuring general peace and
Question: In your opinion, what is causing the present general fear of war in many people and countries?
Answer: I am convinced that neither nations nor their armies
want a new war, – they want peace and are trying to maintain it. Thus,
"the present fear of war" is not caused from this side. I am of the
opinion that "the present fear of war" is caused by the actions of some
political groups that engage in propaganda for a new war and in this
way sow the seeds of distrust and insecurity.
Question: What must the governments of the freedom-loving countries do to secure peace and calm in the whole world?
Answer: It is necessary for the public and the government
circles of the states to organize counter-propaganda on a broad basis
against the propagandists of a new war, for the securing of peace; so
that the campaign of the propagandists of a new war meets adequate
resistance from the public and the press, – so that the arsonists of
war are unmasked in time and denied the possibility of using freedom of
speech against the interests of peace.
("Daily Review," No. 70, 24 March, 1946)
Reply to a Telegram from Mr. Hugh Baillie
March 25, 1946
Telegram from Mr. Hugh Baillie, President of the United Press Agency, to Generalissimo Stalin, Kremlin, Moscow:
I would like to draw your attention to the declaration made by Winston
Churchill to the United Press, which was transmitted by press and radio
all over the world.
On this occasion I would like to renew my proposition on behalf of
United Press, that you make a declaration on the international
situation. If you want to reply to Churchill’s argument on the
necessity of rapid action of the Security Council of the United Nations
Organization on the Iranian question, United Press would be pleased to
transmit your views to the whole world. In the case of you wishing to
put other questions concerning Iran or international peace and
security, I beg you to utilize our possibilities which we place at your
disposal with great pleasure.
Reply to Mr. Hugh Baillie of United Press, New York:
Thank you for your friendly offer. I do not find Mr. Churchill’s
argument convincing. On the question of the withdrawal of Soviet troops
from Iran, that will be decided in a positive way by an agreement
between the Soviet government and the government of Iran.
J. Stalin
President of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R.
("Pravda," 27 March, 1946)
Reply to a Message from the Prime Minister of Iran
April, 1946
I thank Your Excellence for the friendly sentiments expressed in your
telegram on the occasion of the successful conclusion of the
Soviet-Iranian Treaty, in which you have played an active part
personally. I am persuaded that the agreement realized between the
U.S.S.R. and Iran in the form of this treaty will serve to develop and
deeply strengthen the cooperation and friendship between the peoples of
our countries.
Generalissimo Stalin
President of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R.
("Pravda," 8 April, 1946)
Order of the Day of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the U.S.S.R. No. 7
May 1, 1946
Comrades of the Red Army and Red Navy, Sergeants and Mates!
Comrades Officers, Generals and Admirals!
Working people of the Soviet Union!
For the first time since the victory in the Great Patriotic War we
celebrate the First of May, the international holiday of the working,
people, under peaceful conditions, which we have reached after hard
struggle against the enemy and at the price of great sacrifices and
A year ago the Red Army raised the banner of victory over Berlin and
finished off the smashing of fascist Germany. Four months after the
victory over Germany, imperialist Japan capitulated. The Second World
War, prepared by the forces of international reaction and started by
the main fascist states, ended in complete victory for. the
freedom-loving peoples.
The smashing and liquidation of the centres of fascism and world
aggression led to a profound change in the political life of the
peoples of the world and to a profound growth of the democratic
movement of the people. Ripened by the experiences of war, the masses
learned that they should not leave the fate of their states in the
hands of reactionary leaders who follow limited, self-seeking class
interests against the people. Thus, the people who want to change their
lives take the fate of their state into their own hands and erect a
democratic order and lead an active struggle against the reactionary
powers, against the arsonists of a new war.
The peoples of the whole world do not want another war. They struggle desperately for the ensuring of peace and security.
In the vanguard of the struggle for peace and security marches the
Soviet Union, which has played a leading role in the smashing of
fascism and has fulfilled her high mission of liberation.
The peoples who were liberated by the Soviet Union from the fascist
yoke were given the possibility of founding their states on democratic
principles and to realize their historical hopes. On this path they
receive the fraternal help of the Soviet Union.
The whole world was able to convince itself not only of the power of
the Soviet state, but also of the just character of its politics, based
on the recognition of the equality of all peoples, based on respect for
their freedom and self-determination. There is no reason to doubt that
the Soviet Union will, in the future, continue these politics which are
the politics of peace and security, equality and friendship of the
Since the ending of the war, the Soviet Union is progressing in
peaceful socialist construction. With great enthusiasm the Soviet
people are continuing the peaceful constructive work that was
interrupted by the war.
The Five Year Plan for the reconstruction and development of the
people's economy of the U.S.S.R., for the years 1946 - 1950, that has
been approved by the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, opens new
perspectives for the further growth of the productive forces of our
Motherland, the strengthening of its economic power, the raising of its
material wealth and its culture.
The Five Year Plan was accepted by the workers, peasants and
intelligentsia of our country as a programme entirely meeting their
interests. It can be expected that the Soviet people, led by the
Communist Party, will spare no effort not only to fulfil this Five Year
Plan, but also to over-fulfil it by their enedeavours.
While we develop this peaceful socialist construction we must not at
any moment forget the machinations of international reaction, its plans
for a new war. One must not forget the guidelines of the great Lenin
that during the transition to peaceful work one must constantly be
alert, and constantly keep an eye on the strength of the armed forces
and their ability to defend our country.
The armed forces of the Soviet Union, our army, our airforce and our
navy have fulfilled their duty towards our Motherland in the Great
Patriotic War. The new task for our armed forces is to be on guard, to
protect the peace and the constructive work of the Soviet people, and
to safeguard the interests of the Soviet Union.
The successful fulfillment of this honourable task is possible only
under the conditions of further development of the military culture and
art of war of the fighters and commanders of our army, our navy and our
The armed forces of the Soviet Union have to raise their standards in
the art of war, based on the experiences of war, based on the develop-,
ment of the science and technique of war.
There is no doubt that our army, our fleet and our airforce will honourably fulfil their task.
Comrades of the Red Army and Red Navy,
Sergeants and Mates! Comrade Officers, Mates and Generals!
Comrades working men and women, men and women peasants, intellectuals!
Demobilized fighters of the Red Army!
In the name of the government and the Communist Party, I greet you and
congratulate you on the occasion of the First of May, on the occasion
of the international holiday of the working people, and I order:
Today, 1 May, in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, in the capitals
of the Union Republics as well as in Lvov, Konigsberg, Chabar-ovsk,
Vladivostok, Port-Arthur and in the heroic cities of Leningrad,
Stalingrad, Sevastopol and Odessa, a salute of 20 artillery salvoes.
Long live our brave armed forces!
Long live our glorious Communist Party!
Long live the great Soviet people!
Long live our powerful Soviet Motherland!
J. Stalin
Minister of the Armed Forces of the U. S. S. R. Generalissimo of the Soviet Union
("Pravda," 1 May, 1946)
Order of the Day of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the U.S.S.R. No. 11
May 9, 1946
Comrades soldiers and sailors of the Red Army and Red Navy! Comrades
officers, generals and admirals! Workers of the Soviet Union!
Today we celebrate the first anniversary of the great victory won by
our people over fascist Germany, Which attacked the liberty and
independence of our Motherland.
In the name of the Soviet government and of our Communist Party, I
salute and congratulate you on the occasion of the national
celebration, the day of victory over the German fascists.
To celebrate the victory feast, I order: today, 9 May, a salute of
thirty artillery salvoes in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow and
in the capitals of the federal republics, Lvov, Konigsberg, and in the
heroic cities of Leningrad, Stalingrad, Sebastopol and Odessa.
Glory to our armed forces who kept the honour and independence of our Motherland and who won victory over Hitler Germany!
Glory to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, inspirer and organizer of our victory!
Glory to our great people, the victorious-people!
Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the fight for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!
J. Stalin
("Pravda," 9 May, 1946)
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