With the participation of more than 2,000 delegates from 40 countries of the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the First World Conference of Women was held in Caracas, Venezuela, in the framework of the CENTENARY OF the DECLARATION OF MARCH 8 AS WORKING WOMEN’S DAY. The Conference was developed around two areas of debate: the Delegates’ Conference, made up of 5 representatives from each country, and the workshops by subject in which the experiences of the struggle and mobilisation of women in the world were debated.
Parallel with this was a fair in which the delegations showed their works, publications, videos, music and other productions. At night cultural festivals and events were held in which the various forms of art and culture developed in each country and continent were shown.
The world Conference is a triumph and victory for the revolutionary forces, by the representativeness of its delegations, the ideological and political debate that put forward the thesis that the emancipation of women is only possible with the restoration of Socialism and the overthrow of the capitalist and patriarchal system. In this debate the revisionist and reformist positions put forward by a minority of the groups were defeated.
The Conference was also a place to get to know the experiences of struggle and organisation of the workers and women of the different sectors and peoples exploited by imperialism. The presence of women who took part in the great mobilisations in North Africa and the Middle East was important. The boycott of the reactionary forces that tried to prevent the Conference from being held was faced firmly and decisively.
Ecuador played a very important role beginning with the call for this event, because the Confederation of Women for Change – CONFEMEC – took part in the World Committee of Initiators. A very important delegation of 130 representatives from almost all provinces of the country, made up of organisations of women, trade unionists, youths, peasants, indigenous peoples, blacks, and women from neighbourhood organisations, took part in the Conference.
The comrades denounced the criminalisation of the social struggle in the country and the persecution to which the popular and revolutionary leaders have been subjected by Correa’s government. The betrayal by Correa and PAIS of the project of change pushed forward by the peoples of Ecuador was denounced, and a resolution was passed demanding freedom for comrade Marcelo Rivera. At the present moment the World Conference of Women constitutes a vigorous impetus to the revolutionary struggle. After the Conference was held it is important for the revolutionary women and men to push forward the resolutions adopted and to work with greater decisiveness to strengthen the WOMEN”S FIGHTING MOVEMENT to advance towards the goal of overthrowing capitalism and eliminating all forms of exploitation and domination. To work to bring the exploited women into the task of building Socialism together with their class brothers.
The following is an extract of the resolutions that were adopted at the world conference of women.
We, the delegates of the organisations of the Movement of women, trade unions, social and political organisations from the 40 countries and the continents present at the World Conference of Women held in Caracas, Venezuela from March 4 to 8, at the Plenary Session of March 7 unanimously adopted the following Resolution:
We are united by the fundamental principles to work for the liberation of women and the fight against imperialism. We fight against hunger, massive unemployment and the destruction of the environment; we fight against dependency, neo-colonialism and colonialism.
The transformation of the present society is an historical necessity for the women and the peoples; the change for which we are organising is a radical transformation of the capitalist system.
The world of justice that we want demands the strengthening of the Women’s Fighting Movement.
We are working for the alternative of Socialism as answer to the aspirations for a better world. The ideas regarding Socialism are varied and therefore we consider an ideological and political debate necessary with the objective of strengthening the struggle of the women for a new society.
The most important lesson of this Conference is that these proposals can only be achieved if the Women’s Fighting Movement cooperates closely on a world scale.
The indispensable basis for achieving the objectives of the women’s fighting movements from the different countries is to organise the women.
We have decided to hold new World Conferences of Women every 5 years.
Within a year we will convene to evaluate the multiple experiences of this Conference.
The present World Committee of Initiators will be maintained provisionally to prepare the evaluation and the national, regional and continental meetings, until after one year a definitive world committee will be named.
The designation of the representatives to the World Preparatory Committee of the Second Conference should be the result of a process that is democratic, inclusive and strengthening.
The World Preparatory Committee of the Second Conference will carry out the functions of coordination.
The women’s fighting movement in each country should concentrate its forces for 3 days of struggle at a world level.
This is a campaign to reconquer the historic importance of March 8 as the day of homage to and struggle of the women who are fighting throughout the world against capitalist domination, patriarchy, against imperialism and for the liberation of humanity.
On May 1, international workers day, we must particularly push forward the fight to win the rights of the women workers and against the exploitation of child labour.
On November 25, the day against violence against women, it is important to denounce the forms of violence.
We declare that the struggle of the women’s fighting movement of the world is an integral part of the struggle of the workers, peoples and all humanity for their emancipation.
Let us cooperate in solidarity, let us develop forms of communication to develop the broadest possible solidarity and communication.
Let us take advantage of the wealth and potentialities of our experiences and cultures.
Long live the World Conferences of the women’s fighting movement!
Long live the struggle of the women and peoples against Imperialism and for the restoration of Socialism in the world!
Let us advance firmly for the liberation of women and humanity!
This is a task and a challenge for the 21st century!
From En Marcha, Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
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