To the Editor of ‘Revolutionary Democracy’
Vijay Singh
Dear revolutionary comrades,
I regularly receive your journal ‘Revolutionary Democracy’. Many thanks. Thank you also for the writings concerning Albania and Enver Hoxha. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the publication of ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ I cordially salute the revolutionary activities of the editors and collaborators of the periodical ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ which courageously upholds the International Communist Movement and the working class, the struggles of the peoples for their Liberty and the Independence of their countries.
Long live the solidarity of the revolutionary fighters of all the countries against the aggressiveness of the imperialist, anti-democratic and anti-communist forces!
Long live the great people of India and the friendship with the Albanian people!
Nexhmije Hoxha
December 10, 2004.
To the Publisher of the journal Revolutionary Democracy.
Comrade Vijay Singh,
Delhi, India.
Dear Comrade Vijay Singh,
In the name of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party Bolshevik and personally I congratulate you and through you the readers of the journal ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ on the tenth anniversary of the publication of its first issue.
In the past period the journal has become an extremely famous communist publication not only in India but beyond its frontiers. The articles in the journal provoke interest since they touch upon the most important actual problems under discussion in the communist movement, the questions of the theory and practice of the contemporary struggles against opportunism and revisionism; they also throw light on the historical events of the past on a documented basis, and also – the political activity of the prominent theoreticians and practitioners of the international communist movement – Joseph Stalin, Georgi Dimitrov, Mao Zedong, Enver Hoxha and others.
In the year of its anniversary we sincerely wish that the readers of the journal find in its pages the answers to the contemporary questions of the theory and practice of the communist and the national-liberation movements, the anti-globalisation manifestations, the methods and modes of the struggles against international imperialism. In this we see the guarantee of the further successes of the journal and its popularisation among the broad masses of the protest movement throughout the world. Publications on the theory of Marxism-Leninism will contribute to the development of communist ideology in the widest political expanse.
We wish the publishers of the journal new successes in their elucidative activities.
With Bolshevist greetings,
N.A. Andreyeva,
General Secretary A-UCPB, Leningrad,
11th December 2004.
Dear comrade Vijay Singh,
The communists of ‘Trudovaya Rossiya’ (Labouring Russia) and the editorial board of ‘Molniya’ (Lightning) heartily congratulate the fighting journal ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ on its tenth anniversary.
We warmly remember your visit to Russia and the interesting exchange of ideas we had on the struggles against imperialism and the predominance of foreign capital in our countries.
We wish further that there be a strong and audacious building up of the interests of the working people, and propaganda on the theoretical heritage and history of the communist movement.
We wish you big creative successes, new fiery ideas and solidarity with all like-minded people in the world.
Chairman of the All-Russian Social Movement ‘Trudovaya
Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper ‘Molniya’,
Viktor Anpilov,
20th December 2004,
Comrades of the Editorial Board of Revolutionary Democracy,
Comrade Vijay Singh, Editor.
New Delhi, India.
In the name of the Central Committee and the militancy of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador we wish to express our fraternal revolutionary greetings and felicitations on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the combative presence of the journal Revolutionary Democracy which is defending Marxism-Leninism and converting it into an instrument of the unity of the distinctive forces which fight for socialism and communism around the world.
Most exceptional has been also your contribution in defending the resolutions of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations and its integral sections. Particularly, our Party has been the beneficiary of this act of solidarity by means of the translation and publication of various of our materials in Revolutionary Democracy by which the march of the revolution in Ecuador may be known where ever your review reaches.
The role of political orientation, on the themes which concern the situation in India, is without doubt another important facet of your journal. For our Party it constitutes a privileged source for the analysis of the advance of the struggle of classes and the deepening of the capitalist crisis in south-east Asia.
We recognise and profoundly value your exceptional labour, comrades. We express our wishes that Revolutionary Democracy continue harvesting successes, extend its diffusion and influence.
With communist greetings,
Pablo Miranda,
Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador,
2nd January 2005.
We have been following with interest your journal that has been dealing with valuable theoretical activities during the last ten years. Revolutionary practice cannot be possible without revolutionary theory.
The imperialist states led by the US are bringing neo-liberal policies onto the agenda all around the world and are trying to implement them by force.
Many of the social rights gained by the struggles of the working class and the labouring peoples are being taken back by the imperialist monopolies. The bourgeois governments and parliaments are continuously taking new decisions in order to maintain the casualisation of the working life, for the education and health services to become fee-paying, to restrict the right to retirement and raise the retirement age, to reduce the unemployment benefit, limit the trade union rights and in order to weaken trade union organisation.
The US and its allies are trying to seize the energy sources of the Middle East and Western Asia and to establish power in the activity areas of the former USSR by the policy they have named as the ‘Expanded Middle East and North Africa Project’. It is a rather strong possibility for new occupations to follow the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.
In addition to all this; the imperialist bourgeoisie is running an intensive onslaught campaign on an ideological platform towards Marxism, the science of the working class. Besides the efforts to replace Marxism with social democracy that is in harmony with the neo-liberal policies of the imperialists; it is striving to perplex the minds of the workers, labourers and intellectuals by advocating theses as to how Marxism-Leninism has fulfilled its time, that socialism is no longer possible, bourgeois democracy and capitalism is the highest level of social order that can be reached by the humanity and that the end of history has come and so on and so forth.
Organising the opposition of the workers and labourers against the imperialist neo-liberal policies and repulsing the imperialist war and occupation policies together with the people of the Middle East and the world stand as the most crucial tasks ahead of us under all these circumstances. Naturally alongside to this; defending Marxism-Leninism against the bourgeois ideology; not making any concessions from the party and revolution theses of Leninism and claiming the fifty year socialism experience in the USSR is a determining attitude for the revolutionary workers parties.
Within this context; the activities of your journal serve an important function.
We hope for the continuation of your efforts with the same success. We would also like to extend our feelings of gratitude to all the friends whose efforts make the publication of this journal possible.
With our fraternal greetings,
International Relations Bureau,
The Party of Labour, (EMEP),
10th January 2005.
On behalf of the New Communist Party of Britain and its weekly journal, the New Worker, I would like to congratulate Revolutionary Democracy on the 10th anniversary of its publication.
Revolutionary Democracy is well known to many of our supporters. It has provided a forum for debate on the problems of scientific socialism; a focus for research into the history of the international working class movement; a medium for the transmission of rare as well as classic works of revolutionary communists and a window to the people’s struggle in India itself.
We salute the efforts of all the contributors over the past decade and look forward to many more years of publication.
With best wishes,
Yours fraternally,
Andy Brooks, General Secretary, Central Committee,
New Communist Party of Britain.
Monday, 8th November 2004
Proletarian internationalist greetings from Ray O. Light in the belly of the beast!
We too hail the work of Revolutionary Democracy during your first decade of existence.
You have published a number of articles of high ideological content on the contemporary world situation, both within the Indian subcontinent and internationally. Perhaps even more significant for our cause over the long run, has been your publication of articles and documents, written by some of our best and therefore most vilified leaders from the past, of whom comrade Stalin is in the first rank.
The present period, and especially, since the Fall of 2001, when the Bush Doctrine for global supremacy of the US Empire was initiated – with the unprovoked US imperialist-led war on the people of Afghanistan, it is more urgently and more clearly needed, that the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples be guided by a general line, and a global strategy, and armed with global unity.
Thus, the resurrection of theoretical and practical leadership of the much slandered and maligned Communist International so consistently and proudly undertaken by Revolutionary Democracy is a valuable contribution to the ultimate victory of our cause.
May Revolutionary Democracy continue to help to illuminate the path of human freedom – the path of national liberation, socialism and communism!
With great comradely respect,
Ray O. Light,
November 17, 2004.
We here are at one with you and all those in the world who are celebrating the tenth year of the existence of your journal.
You have played an important theoretical and ideological role for the social revolution in India and the rebirth of the communist movement in the world.
We are at your side in the difficult and historic struggle for the creation of a new Leninist international.
We are bound to you most closely in the common cause.
Internationalist greetings,
For the CC of the Organisation of the Communist Party of the
Proletariat of Italy,
Secretary, Ubaldo Buttafava,
20th November 2004.
Many, many heartfelt and revolutionary greetings from the Communist Party of Poland and personally from me. Thank you for systematically sending me every issue of ‘Revolutionary Democracy’. It is interesting and has many theoretical, political, international and other questions not only on India but also from abroad.
I send you the best congratulations to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the work of ‘Revolutionary Democracy’. In this period the ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ has played a useful role in the communist movement in India and in the international life.
Over this last decade the journal has taken up a number of questions: the restoration of capitalism in the former USSR and the clarification of many of the controversial issues of the Stalin epoch; the questions facing the communist movement in the people’s democracies including China and Albania; problems pertaining to the working out of the class character of the Indian state and the multifarious ways in which imperialist globalisation has affected India and which is important for the elucidation of the programmatic perspectives for the Indian revolution; unravelling of various aspects of the theoretical heritage and the history of the communist movement internationally and in India; translation and publication of the rare writings of Stalin, Kaganovich, Dimitrov, Mao Zedong and the Indian communist and labour movement, the national liberation movement and the current political developments in India; and the defence of Marxist political economy, aesthetics and culture.
We wish you many successes in your political and theoretical work.
With Fraternal Greetings,
In Struggle,
Prof. Zbigniew Wiktor.
Wroclaw, Poland.
November 30, 2004.
As a high quality theoretical and political Marxist-Leninist journal with an impressive range of themes and preoccupations, Revolutionary Democracy has made a great contribution to the formation and orientations of the international Marxist-Leninist communist movement during this last decade of rampant counterrevolution and revival of the struggle of the working class and peoples.
Revolutionary Democracy is a magazine of real international significance. The importance of the existence of such a journal published in the English language – India-based, but with a true global perspective – is obvious. It deserves the support and co-operation of all Marxist-Leninist and revolutionary forces, securing its further world wide dissemination.
From Denmark we congratulate you – dear Comrades of the Editorial Board – on the great achievement of the first ten years of publication of Revolutionary Democracy, wishing you further success of your spirited contribution to the great cause of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism.
Klaus Riis,
Editor, Kommunistisk Politik,
CC of the Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark,
Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne – APK. Copenhagen,
December 6th 2004.
We greet with fraternal internationalist solidarity the tenth anniversary of the birth of the Indian communist journal Revolutionary Democracy.
In its ten years of existence, Revolutionary Democracy has accomplished a very important role of information and Marxist education not only for the proletarians and the communists of its own country, but for the communists all over the world, supplying an important contribution for the knowledge of the social and political situation in India and of the struggles of the national liberation movements, and firmly defending the theoretical and political heritage of the international communist movement.
Our journal Teoria & Prassi has been following your activity for a long time and has also utilised and translated into Italian some of your very interesting documents, for which we thank you.
In addressing our greetings to you, we want to remind that the Executive Committee of the Communist International ended, in March 1929, its ‘Call in support of the revolutionary movement in India’ with two fundamental passwords:
’Proletarians of India! Forward in the struggle against your class enemies, against the capitalists, against the imperialists! Build the communist party as your vanguard, organize and strengthen it!
’Workers of all countries! Struggle in support of the Indian revolution! In so doing, you will give more wideness and firmness to your positions on the world anti imperialist front!’
After so many years, these two passwords still keep their importance and relevance to the present for the struggle that the proletarians and the communists all over the world are carrying out against international imperialism today.
With this militant attitude, we wish long life to Revolutionary Democracy and more and more successes in its struggle for the victory of the proletariat.
Long live the revolutionary struggle of the workers and peasants of India! Long live communism!
The Editorial Board of
Teoria & Prassi – Rivista Marxista-Leninista, Italy
10th December, 2004.
The New Zealand Marxist Leninist Collective congratulates Revolutionary Democracy on the occasion of their 10th anniversary. Your contribution has surely been of utmost assistance to the development of the communist movement not only in India but internationally.
Stalin in his report to the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (March 10th, 1939) said:
‘The chief endeavour of the bourgeoisie of all countries and of its reformist hangers on is to kill in the working class faith in its own strength, faith in the possibility and inevitability of its victory and thus to perpetuate capitalist slavery. For the bourgeoisie knows that if capitalism has not yet been overthrown and still continues to exist, it owes this not to its own merits, but to the fact that the proletariat still has not enough faith in the possibility of its victory. It cannot be said that the effort of the bourgeoisie in this respect have been altogether unsuccessful. It must be confessed that the bourgeoisie and its agents among the working class have to some extent succeeded in poisoning the minds of the working class with the virus of doubt and disbelief. If the successes of the working class of our country, if its fight and victory serve to rouse the spirit of the working class in the capitalist countries and to strengthen its faith in its own power and in its victory, then our Party may say that that its work has not been in vain. And there is no doubt that this will be the case.’
Those words are so true today. Keep up your good work in educating and informing those of us who are struggling against our imperialist enemies.
Fraternal greetings,
B. Hollis,
For the New Zealand Marxist Leninist Collective Waitakere City.
17th December 2004.
Congratulations to all involved in the publication and distribution of Revolutionary Democracy on its 10th anniversary.
We believe that Revolutionary Democracy plays a vital role in the ideological development of those aspiring to play a constructive role in the international communist movement.
The October Seventh Socialist Movement in Australia was born in 2003, mainly from veteran leaders of the Communist Party of Australia in the state of Victoria, after a lifelong struggle first in the old CPA, now liquidated and its contemporary, now also taking a similar, irreversible revisionist path.
The founders of the October Seventh Socialist Movement believe it is our revolutionary duty to build a genuine Marxist-Leninist party in Australia.
We will make it a priority in the new year and onwards to promote the circulation of Revolutionary Democracy, as an important part of the tasks that we have set for ourselves. It is a great tool to understanding both the proud history of the international communist movement and as an educational tool on how to build up a truly Marxist-Leninist party and culture.
It has a unique place in the armoury of Marxist-Leninists worldwide. We will contribute articles and keep readers informed of our progress in Australia.
Fraternal greetings,
Raymond Berbling,
National President, October Seventh Socialist Movement, Australia
December 20th 2004.
On the 10th anniversary of the journal Revolutionary Democracy, with pleasure, I thank you for sending me every issue from the first day.
I have read and, time after time have discussed, articles from it with my friends in Albania.
Revolutionary Democracy has a lot of information about many matters and countries. The best editing has been done so that it is sufficiently interesting to the reader.
Although my opinions are different on some matters reflected in the pages of this journal I hope that time will sort out the truthfulness of these questions.
The earlier this is done the better it will be for the interests of an unified communist movement.
Everyone has the responsibility for that, especially the persons that are taking on their shoulders the duty of the organisation and orientation of the movement in this way.
With fraternal greetings,
Laver Stroka.
22nd December, 2004.
The year 2004 marks the 10th anniversary of the work of Revolutionary Democracy. In the past 10 years, the half-yearly journal Revolutionary Democracy has taken up many important questions regarding the communist movement internationally as well as the movement in India.
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the capitalist bourgeoisie intensified its attack on communism and its glorious history. The imperialist bourgeoisie continued slandering Comrade Stalin, the architect of socialism in the USSR. By their public refutation of Marxism-Leninism and dictatorship of the proletariat, the left mongering opportunists and social democrats were unmasked further. The wavering petty-bourgeois forces and elements that were incapable of resisting the attacks on communist movement joined the crowd to throw mud at the history of the communist movement and the Communist International and considered the Leninist theory of imperialism as obsolete.
For a decade, Revolutionary Democracy has stood in defence of Marxism-Leninism and has made contribution to the clarification of many controversial questions about the communist movement, internationally as well as in India. Revolutionary Democracy has exposed the lies and slanders of the imperialist bourgeoisie and has followed a Marxist-Leninist line in its analysis of the development of the events in the past decade. We praise the revolutionary work that is being carried out by our Indian Comrades.
Dear Comrades,
The tasks of uniting the communists on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, of defending over 30 years of the construction of socialism in the USSR and its chief architect Comrade Stalin, of defending the valuable and tested lessons of the 150 years of the international communist movement, of analysing the class structure of our society, of working out the path of struggle of the workers and labourers of our lands, and of building and strengthening the party of the working class of our country are on our shoulders. We, the Marxist-Leninists organised in the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan), are convinced that our Indian Comrades will continue tirelessly their revolutionary work. We believe that your struggle is our struggle, and we wish you success in your work.
The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan),
December 26, 2004.
On the occasion of your tenth year of publication we from Sweden forward our congratulations to you. We find your revolutionary magazine very interesting and informative. It is a good mixture of current and historical issues Revolutionary Democracy is dealing with. We wish you good luck in your work and look forward to the coming issues of your informative and revolutionary magazine.
Long live Marxism-Leninism!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
For the International Department of the KPML (r) Communist Party
Marxist-Leninist (revolutionaries)
Erik Anderson,
International Secretary, member of Politburo,
29th December 2005.
Over the duration of ten years we have attentively followed the publication of the journal ‘Revolutionary Democracy’. During this period it has occupied an important place in the theory of the contemporary communist movement. The journal has succeeded in illumining many actual questions which were not investigated earlier.
We are confident that ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ in the future will be in the vanguard of the struggles against imperialism, for the revolution, and for the construction of socialism and communism in the whole world.
We consider that the journal needs to continue to learn about the true socialism of the USSR of the Stalinist period, to give a definite understanding of STALINISM, uncover the sources, impelling strengths and course of the counter-revolution and restoration of capitalism.
In the near future we will be ready to put in our own efforts on this important task. We are confident that it is theoretical clarity which is now wanting in the revolutionary movement in the world. This is necessary for the benefit of unity of action.
With brotherly greetings in the struggle!
With new year greetings!
V. Gabanov.
‘Krasnaya Molodyozh’
(Red Youth),
Vladikavkaz, Russia,
30th December 2004.
In the ten foregoing years, years comprised of much confusion and some backlashes for the revolutionary and progressive movement, the Indian journal Revolutionary Democracy (RD) has contributed greatly to shed light upon controversial historical events and crossroads of the international communist movement; thereby assisting revolutionaries in readjusting their compass amidst the turmoil created by imperialist propaganda and its revisionist aides.
By translating, republishing and reviewing newer and older material, correspondence and publications referring to the socialist period of the Soviet Union, the RD has made this material available to a number of communists and revolutionaries worldwide. It has enabled our magazine Revolusjon to make some of these articles and sources known to progressive Norwegian readers.
The RD has at the same time paid great attention to analysing the current situation and the tasks of the revolutionaries on the Indian sub-continent, thus helping us in Europe and elsewhere to better understand the nature of, and the obstacles confronting the revolutionary process on this continent.
In this way, the RD journal has played a significant role, and we believe that it will continue to do so in the years to come.
Compliments to editor Vijay Singh and the editorial board!
J R Steinholt,
Editor, The Marxist-Leninist journal Revolusjon (Revolution),
31st December, 2004.
When we received the first issues of Revolutionary Democracy, we have been immediately interested by two aspects. It opened to us a Marxist Leninist window on the political reality of the Indian continent and provided us with valuable documents, reflections, about the history of the Communist movement, especially the history of the glorious party of Lenin and Stalin.
When RD began to publish documents of the International Conference of Marxist Leninist Parties and Organisations, we hailed this initiative as a concrete contribution to the broadcasting of the stands of the organised Communist Movement in this part of the world and even more broadly, because of its international diffusion.
The internationalist stand of RD is one of its major characteristics that makes it so necessary in these days, where the common struggle against imperialism and its policy of war and reaction is of vital importance. The importance of India and of the struggles of the Indian proletariat, of the Indian peasants, of the Indian youth, etc., the richness, but also the complexity of its revolutionary and communist movement are largely ignored in the European countries, especially in France. They recently erupted in the political and social panorama at the occasion of the social forum of Mumbai, which gave an idea of the strength of the popular resistance, its multiform aspects, to the imperialist ‘globalisation’.
Since its first edition, ten years ago, RD is contributing to build ‘bridges’ between the revolutionaries, the communists of the different continents, from Europe, Africa, Asia.
RD is a reference among the Marxist Leninist political, ideological, historical and cultural reviews.
Thank you, comrade Vijay Singh for your contribution to the defence and diffusion of Marxism Leninism and proletarian solidarity.
Long live the RD!
Hail the 10th anniversary of RD!
For a bigger and broader diffusion of RD!
With our fraternal greetings,
La Forge, central organ of the Workers’ Communist Party of
December 2004.
We congratulate the editorial board of the journal ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ on its tenth anniversary. Your journal is held in great respect among the progressive circles in Russia. The editors of ‘Proletarskaya gazeta’ have co-operated for many years already with the review ‘Revolutionary Democracy’. We are very thankful for information and your theoretical help to our journal. ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ pursues firm internationalist positions in the communist movement and this is yet another paramount service of the editorial board. We wish further successes to the work of the editorial collective of ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ and hope that our brotherly and comradely relations would strengthen in future.
With communist greetings,
The Editorial Collective of ‘Proletarskaya gazeta’,
December 2004.
Our heartiest congratulations to Revolutionary Democracy on completing ten years of publication: years of unceasing service to the workers of the world and to the cause of revolution and democracy. We consider Revolutionary Democracy a true comrade in the fight against feudalism, capitalism, neo-imperialism, militarism, and religious extremism.
We recognise in Revolutionary Democracy exemplary political soundness and a commitment to the principles, spirit and agenda of an international workers’ movement, keeping alive the hope of unity and struggle across countries and continents.
In particular, we believe that the synchrony between the political, philosophical and social fundamentals of Awami Manshoor and Revolutionary Democracy, including the complete rejection of exploitative states, of walls installed by the ruling classes between India and Pakistan, will go a long way in rejuvenating and fostering a sense of the shared nature of our suffering, joy, and desires for peace and progress across the false boundaries.
We salute Revolutionary Democracy’s commitment to the emancipation of workers and peasants of South Asia and beyond, and stand proudly with it in its efforts.
United in the struggle for democracy, peace, and power to the people, we wish Revolutionary Democracy good health and continuing success in its march onward!
Tufail Abbas,
(Chief Editor, Awami Manshoor, and Chairman, Pakistan Mazdoor Mahaz)
and the entire working committee at Awami Manshoor,
1st January, 2005.
After the collapse of the USSR and the socialist community in Eastern Europe the ideological conflict has started to take a further more vicious trend beginning to portray the dismantling of the USSR as the ending of communism and an evidence of the failure of Marxist-Leninist ideology.
Imperialism waged its continuous ideological and mass media attack launching much more racialist and fundamentalist theories such as the End of History by Fukuyama in which he is considering imperialism the highest level of the development of civilisation and the end of history aiming at denying Marxism that announced the inevitability of the coming of the socialist era on the ruins of imperialism. In addition was the Huntingdon ‘theory’ of Clash of Civilisations between western Christianity, Chinese Confucianism, and Arabic Islam, confirming the inevitability of the victory of Western Protestant Christianity due to its imperialistic cultural background.
The collapse of the USSR and the restoration of capitalism demonstrated the complete bankruptcy of revisionism. The proof was there that revisionism initiated by Tito and Khrushchev was nothing but bourgeois ideology infiltrating the Communist movement.
Revolutionary Democracy assists in comprehending that through translating, publishing rare writings by true Marxist-Leninists that were not widely available after the 20th congress of the CPSU.
We highly appreciate the Revolutionary Democracy stance concerning the two wars of national liberation in our region: Palestine and Iraq.
Thank you for your efforts and exertions and the sublime standard of your magazine.
On the 10th anniversary of the work of the Revolutionary Democracy, we wish you continuous progress and success in your struggle.
Sincerely yours,
Michel Mounayer,
Syrian journalist,
5th January 2005.
Congratulations to Revolutionary Democracy on its 10th Anniversary!
For 10 years Revolutionary Democracy has published a journal based on scientific socialism, as well as printed articles on the revolutionary struggles against imperialism, especially U.S. imperialism, around the world. It has correctly described the class nature of the Indian revolution as an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolution on the road to socialism. It has developed a correct historical understanding of the socialist revolution and socialist construction in the Soviet Union, as well as the leadership of Lenin and Stalin in these momentous events. It has brought out important principles of political economy in the Soviet Union and Comrade Stalin’s views on this. It has printed material on the revolutionary establishment of the People’s Republic of China, and it has shown that the Soviet Union supported this earth-shaking development, in contradiction to the slanders of the Trotskyites and other revisionists. It has taken a firm stand of support of national liberation struggles, not only in India and on a world scale in general, but also on the revolutionary struggle for self-determination for the African-American nation in the United States.
We would like to encourage the editorial board of Revolutionary Democracy over the next few years to not only continue in this work, but to take up continuing controversial issues of importance for the communist and workers’ movement internationally. We would suggest further discussion and debate on the factors that led to the temporary downfall of socialism, especially in the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin and in Albania after the death of Enver Hoxha. We think it would be useful to have articles on developments in the trade union movement and the struggle to link this movement to the anti-imperialist movement, both in the oppressed and in the imperialist countries. We are sure that there will be continuing material on the development of the revolutionary movement in India.
We are willing, according to our forces and abilities, to contribute to such articles, especially in regard to the revolutionary movement and the movement against imperialist war and in defence of democratic rights in the U.S. today.
Marxist-Leninist Organizer
United States
14th January 2005
Congratulations to the Editorial Board of Revolutionary Democracy!
For 10 years, you have succeeded in putting out a high-quality journal that is forthright in defence of socialism, the history of the socialist countries and the great Marxist-Leninist leaders. This has been of great service to the working class movement around the world.
In particular, Revolutionary Democracy has defended the socialist revolution and socialist construction in the Soviet Union during the time of Lenin and Stalin. It has also exposed the machinations of the revisionists, from Khrushchev to Judas Gorbachev, who undermined socialism, leading to the temporary collapse of the Soviet Union. And it has publicised the activity of the new forces which will lead to a new October Revolution. We are sure that this internationalist work will be appreciated by the workers of the former Soviet Union.
We wish you continued success in your work.
Michael Lucas,
Editorial Board, Northstar Compass,
Executive Committee, International Council for Friendship and Solidarity with
Soviet People,
Toronto, Ontario.
15th January 2005
The Marxist-Leninist Association of Social-Science (MLYS) greets Revolutionary Democracy on its 10th anniversary. MLYS was founded as recently as the 27th of January 2005, the anniversary of the beginning of Finland’s Class War of 1918. Although we’ve only just begun our organised activities, we have been aware of your journal for a few years. The first issue of our bi-yearly journal ‘Ice-Breaker’ (Jäänmurtaja) has already come off the press. The first issue includes the ‘theses’ of MLYS which outline our principles on questions concerning class struggle, dictatorship of the proletariat, the communist party, imperialism, opportunism and modern revisionism. It also carries a translation of the ‘Draft Programme of Soviet Revolutionary Communists (Bolsheviks)’ which was originally presented at the 1964 Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania. There’s also a summation of the process of capitalist restoration in USSR, the purpose of which is to launch further discussion on the topic.
There’s no question about the high theoretical level of the Revolutionary Democracy journal. It has managed to offer deep insight to a great variety of issues, whether in the form of international news and analyses, historical articles and translations of original historical documents, or articles about the developments in Indian society itself. In addition to being able to successfully combine different topics, it’s of at least equal importance that the journal has kept the level of Marxist-Leninist science high in all of its spheres, coherently applying its core methodology, dialectical materialism, in everything from economics to organisational matters. Therefore it’s no wonder that the journal has gained international importance and respect as one of the theoretical-political tools of the principled communist and labour movement. We believe that Revolutionary Democracy will continue to be of help for our work and journal too.
May Revolutionary Democracy have yet another successful decade, and may its influence spread among the labour movement in India and beyond!
With warmest comradely greetings from the far North.
Marxist-Leninist Association of Social-Science, Finland.
12th February, 2005.
The Communist Mazdoor-Kissan Party Pakistan (Communist Workers-Peasants Party Pakistan) avails an opportunity of extending our deep sense of solidarity with you for the last ten years of the publication of Revolutionary Democracy.
In Pakistan the communist movement has almost remained isolated from the international communist movement. Until the Pakistan-India peace initiatives, Track Two Diplomacy and the development of the Internet, we had very little or no access to information from the other side of the border. Thus, it is only in the recent years that our members increasingly began reading the publications from India, mostly through the Internet. The breakdown of this isolation, needless to say, is an exhilarating experience for our Party. Among these newly found friendships, we attach a special and profound sense of comradeship to the editors of Revolutionary Democracy who have endeavoured sincere efforts to locate and build links with communists in Pakistan.
Although we cannot claim to have followed the last ten years of Revolutionary Democracy, we can claim the modest familiarity with the last two years of your prestigious publication. In this regard, we find that Revolutionary Democracy has rendered an extremely important service in defence of communism first and foremost by telling the truth, buried under an avalanche of right-wing propaganda, about the revolutionary legacy of comrade Stalin.
It is becoming more and more clear to the people of the world that, in the words of Nina Andreyeva, ‘anti-Stalinism is a Trojan horse for anti-communism.’ The process that was unleashed openly at the 20th Congress ultimately culminated into the debacle of 1991. Since the fall of the proletariat from power in the former Soviet Union, not only its people have seen the utter and complete destruction of their lives but the people of the world are also watching the unmitigated and untrammelled growth of a rapacious and militaristic form of capitalism (mother of imperialism) which is now labelled neo-liberalism but actually mingled with neo-conservatism.
On the flip side, since the collapse of genuine communist organizations, other forces have made concerted efforts to substitute the role of the Communist Parties. Conspicuous among them are the forces of the New-Left, post-modernism, NGOs, Trotskyism, and several variants of pacifism, anarchism, and radical ecology movements. Although they may claim modest success (arguably in the form of the World Social Forum), none of them have been able to pose internationally unified ideological, political, and organizational challenge to imperialism what the communists did for most of the 20th century. The reasons for this are clear. The New-Left forces represent ideological movements that are tied to classes other than the proletariat, and as such, they have been stooges in one form or another, for the better part of the last century, in supporting their own ruling-classes against liberation struggles of workers and oppressed peoples. They have tactically adopted this method to prolong the life of decaying capitalism and prevent the people from their resistance against the imperialist vultures.
This statement may strike some people as unwarranted. However, the analysis of the facts of history reveals that these forces have rendered service to imperialism for its fight against socialism. This service is even more important than the service of the military-industrial complex used to physically crush liberation movements and as well class struggle. Though indirect, certainly it is more potent work of ideology. In this regard, they pilloried the genuine communists ideologically, organizationally and politically; undermined their past victories and conspired to detract them from their future historic mission; created confusion, distrust, defeatism and vacillation in the revolutionary proletarian forces. Finally, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, they gloated with smug satisfaction at the destruction of the first socialist society. These ideological managers of imperialism, seemingly disunited, disorganized and mutually competitive, were in fact united for one objective. Ostensibly, this was opposition, not just to Stalin or ‘Stalinism’ but to true spirit of Leninism. However, in objective terms, it means the destruction of proletarian political power.
In this historical perspective, therefore, the defence of revolutionary legacy of the Soviet people under the leadership of Stalin becomes a revolutionary responsibility for us to eschew from the negation of socialism that was carried out by practising revisionism. It is a need of hour even when much water has flown down the River Volga and a sea change has occurred on the grave of Khrushchevism. Betrayal of Leninist principles under the garb of burying Stalinism led to the disintegration of mighty Soviet Union. The Revolutionary Democracy has been rendering its precious services in defending Marxism-Leninism, exposing the real face of destructive ideological postulate of capitalist roaders what we witnessed in the Soviet Union after the physical demise of Stalin. In the changed international scenario, the Revolutionary Democracy is scientifically analysing regional and global political economic and military events as well as contemporary revolutionary ideology and international communist movements with a view to advancing anti-imperialist resistance and invigorating working class struggle.
While holding high your revolutionary duty by presenting facts and analysing in accordance with objective reality, we congratulate you and editorial board as well as committed management on the 10th anniversary celebrations of the publication of Revolutionary Democracy, with optimism that it would carry on its avowed mission. We also value most the readers of Revolutionary Democracy and we hope they will patronize the journal and contribute to increase its readership.
In solidarity,
Ejaz Ghani,
General Secretary, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, Pakistan.
12th February 2005.
Revolutionary Democracy is undoubtedly THE leading Marxist-Leninist journal available today. It combines theory, history, and a guide to contemporary events in a style which is both readable and M-L in the sense that it (Iskra like) serves as a weapon for the proletariat. Long may it continue!
With revolutionary greetings for 2005 and beyond.
Eddie Mc Keown
Newry, Co. Down.
20th February 2005.
Congratulations to Revolutionary Democracy on the occasion of its completion of ten years of publication.
The last decade which marked the transition from the 20th to the 21st century was a critical one. It witnessed both the intensification of imperialist globalisation with its extension to the political, social, cultural and military fields, fully exposing the barbarous nature of the imperialist system, as well as the struggle of the world proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations to combat imperialism, especially US imperialism, and its lackeys. It was a decade which witnessed the emergence and strengthening of the heroic resistance struggle of the Iraqi people against the US occupation. It was also a decade in which the inspiring slogan of socialism as the only alternative before the world people once again started being raised around the world and when the Marxist-Leninist forces started attempts to recapture the initiative uniting, re-organising, and strengthening their forces so as to lead the class struggle forward.
It was also a decade which witnessed the intensification of the ideological struggle at the international and national level. While the imperialists, their thinktanks, and lackeys attacked the communist ideology with unprecedented fury, various alien trends attacked the world proletarian movement from within. Social democratic renegades on the one hand, and the sectarian / anarchist tendencies on the other worked hard to lead the proletarian movement away from the path of social revolution.
In these critical years the Marxist-Leninist forces waged an uncompromising struggle against all these tendencies; they held aloft the banner of proletarian revolution. In these struggles the revolutionary intellectuals and progressive publications have played an important role. That Revolutionary Democracy could survive facing challenges and could contribute towards strengthening the ideological struggle against the alien trends is positive. We hope it shall continue this good work in the coming days and extend all support to it.
With revolutionary greetings,
K.N. Ramachandran,
All India Secretary, CPI(ML) Red Flag.
16th December 2004.
The uninterrupted publication of the journal REVOLUTIONARY DEMOCRACY for the past ten years is an important contribution to the work of the communist revolutionaries of India in a period marked by the retreat of revolution on the world scale. This has been a period characterised by the greatest assault of imperialism and world reaction against communism and all that mankind has so far achieved on the high road of civilisation. We congratulate you and others who have contributed to the regular publication of Revolutionary Democracy in these difficult conditions.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and destruction of socialism in Albania heralded the retreat of revolution on the world scale. Marxist-Leninists noted that the retreat of revolution did not mean the end of revolution. Nor did it mean that the nature of our epoch has changed. It is still the epoch of imperialism and the proletarian revolution, within which it is a new period. The Communist Ghadar Party of India drew the conclusion that the communists cannot and must not go into retreat, or in any way abandon the red flag and become apologists for the imperialist bourgeois offensive. Nor can they adopt old tactics. We concluded that the ideological and polemical struggle in this period must be directed against those within the communist movement who conciliate with social-democracy. In the present conditions in India, a stern struggle is necessary against those who are advocating that the working class must unite around a common program with the bourgeoisie.
The General Line of March for this period has been established. The programme to establish the rule of workers and peasants has been put forward and is being enriched in the course of the ongoing class struggle. The workers, peasants, women and youth, the people of the oppressed nations and nationalities, the tribal peoples, dalits and other persecuted minorities have shown readiness to rally around the programme of breaking with the entire colonial legacy, including the capitalist system and European political institutions. The question of renewal of the political process and institutions of democracy and of the Indian Union is on the agenda. It has become a problem that has to be taken up urgently for solution.
The international situation is marked with grave dangers as well as possibilities for the working class and peoples to make an advance. Capitalist ‘reforms’ and ‘rule by decree’ are facing increasingly widespread opposition on the world scale. The imperialists and reactionaries of the world are waging and preparing to wage wars for the re-division of the world. Both those striving for a uni-polar world and those striving for a multi-polar world are factors that enhance the danger of imperialist war. Asia has become a centre for contention of all the imperialist powers, old and new.
The Indian big bourgeoisie is preparing to translate into reality its imperial vision of emerging as one of the big powers in the world arena. In these conditions, the challenge facing Indian communists is to contest the imperialist vision of the bourgeoisie with the revolutionary and democratic vision of the proletariat. We must strive to build the political unity of the toilers and tillers around the alternative vision and programme. We must strive to restore communist unity on the basis of rejecting and opposing all forms of conciliation with the ‘middle path’ of ‘capitalist reforms with a human face’.
On behalf of the Central Committee of the CGPI, I convey to you and all your close comrades our revolutionary greetings and best wishes for the success of our common endeavour – the triumph of the rule of workers and peasants on Indian soil, as the condition for the victory of socialism and communism.
With sincere revolutionary greetings,
Prakash Rao,
Spokesperson, CGPI,
December 16, 2004,
New Delhi.
Liberation congratulates Revolutionary Democracy on completing ten years of uninterrupted publication. The last ten years have been a period of profound changes and challenges for the international communist movement. India too is passing through a peculiar convergence of neo-liberal economics and neo-conservative politics. Naturally, the communist movement in India has to resolve a whole gamut of new and old questions of strategy and tactics to press its way forward. Serious journals of communist discourse have a major role to play in this context. We hope Revolutionary Democracy will continue to enlighten its readers with more thought-provoking articles and inspiring references from the glorious history and heritage of the international communist movement and of progressive art and culture.
Liberation, Central Organ of CPI(ML),
19th December, 2004.
We are regular readers of ‘Revolutionary Democracy’. It has been doing a fine job in making relevant archival material available to communists. It has also been helpful in fighting the anti-Stalin gangs. We wish it further success.
Sunil Sen,
For Communist Centre of India.
14th January 2005.
Please accept revolutionary greetings from friends from Sandarbh for completing ten years. The collapse of the Soviet Union and other East European Socialist States and the advent of the Globalisation era have violently upset the hitherto accepted canvas on which the future of human civilisation could be visualised. Whereas a fresh insight is required everyday to face up to a radically altered national and international scenario, it is equally important that we do not allow our history to get lost. We feel that Revolutionary Democracy has helped us in these extremely turbulent times to hold on to a few important anchors and at the same time provided a space to think of the revolutionary agenda afresh.
We would thus like to appreciate RD’s endeavour to make available some of the very important and rare documents like the resolutions of various Communist gatherings and proceedings of some crucial party meetings. Letters written by Engels, Molotov, Svetlana, Rahul Sankrityayan enable us to recapitulate history on a very personal note. We specially mention a few articles: ‘Bolshevism and National Question’ (Issue Sept. 1995) and ‘Was the Soviet Method of Industrialisation Really Contrary to Economic Principles?’ (by Maurice Dobb, Issue April 2002) and ‘The Nazis and Monopoly Capital’, (By Allan Merson in RD’s special issue on the 55th anniversary of victory over Nazism).
At the same time the analysis of current issues related to imperialist violence in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, Ecuador etc, or repressive state actions in different parts of the world, or communal or ethnic violence provided fresh space for a revolutionary agenda. In the end we mention the revolutionary poetry and very creative cover designs. We would be happy to extend all possible support to the Journal and wish it success in all its endeavours.
Friends from Sandarbh,
Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
2nd February, 2005.
As a keen reader of Revolutionary Democracy, I have always desired to write some words of admiration and solidarity for that excellent journal. Now that a celebratory occasion has arrived, I am sure that I join many grateful readers in wishing the journal a long and regular life.
I have had my disagreements with the journal on matters of historical assessment of crucial events and policies that constitute our common international heritage. But one should be willing to put such disagreements within brackets, so to speak, in order to reach close solidarity on current issues of international and national importance. That solidarity should be such that debates and polemics on any topic whatsoever should not rupture it. Revolutionary Democracy has always maintained a tone in its polemics that could never threaten the unity of communist revolutionaries and I feel the warmth of comradeship when I read it. Its analysis of the current moment in ideology and politics is excellent and thought provoking.
Vaskar Nandy
2nd February 2005.
The Paris Commune was the first attempt of the working class to storm heaven. The gains of the Paris Commune were a great source of inspiration to the world proletariat through the proletarian power for a short period. However, it was the great October Revolution which radiated the message of Marxism-Leninism to the colonies and semi-colonies of Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Chinese people under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and Mao Tse-Tung integrated the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism to the concrete social and historical conditions of China and the Chinese revolution was successful in overthrowing the rule of imperialism, comprador-bureaucrat capitalism and feudalism in China. The victory of the Russian and Chinese revolutions gave a great impetus to the struggle of the working class in the imperialist countries and the oppressed nations and people throughout the world. The end of imperialism and capitalism seemed to be in sight.
But the development of human society has never followed a linear path. It has progressed through zig-zags, ups and downs, progress and retrogression. The fate of the proletarian struggle for the end of class rule could not have been otherwise. Despite the greatness of Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung, the experiment to carry out the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat suffered severe reverses. Imperialism gained the upper hand and the struggle of the oppressed nations and peoples also suffered.
But imperialism is entering into deeper and deeper crisis and all the basic contradictions i.e. between capital and labour in the capitalist countries, between imperialism and the nations and people of the world and the contradiction among the imperialist powers are intensifying.
In this situation it is necessary that the Marxist-Leninists will review the positive and negative experiences of the world proletarian movement and equip themselves to play a leading role in the ongoing struggles. Revolutionary Democracy has been providing important documents and material on the world communist movement which will be very helpful. Moreover, RD has been consistently standing in support of the struggle of the Indian people and the people throughout the world for national liberation, democracy and against exploitation and injustice.
I send my heartiest greetings to RD and hope it will continue to carry out the task it has undertaken.
Santosh Rana,
Editor, ‘For a New Democracy’, Kolkata.
3rd February 2005.
All India People’s Resistance Forum (AIPRF) conveys its solidarity greetings to the Revolutionary Democracy on the completion of one decade of its publication.
In the past one decade, the journal played an important role in countering vicious attacks on Stalin and Communist Movement following the collapse of Soviet Union, the Soviet Social imperialist edifice. The journal carried a number of writings which were unpublished or unavailable of Stalin and other important thinkers of Marxism and Socialism and Communism. By making these writings available, many a time getting them translated from the original Russian or German proved very useful for all those who are interested in answering several questions that confronted in the last decade.
The journal could have crossed the boundaries of limited circles within which it has been circulated by reaching out to wider movements of democratic and revolutionary struggles in India and abroad if its vision on important questions of revolutionary movement worldwide is more open-ended.
Any journal in the philosophy of scientific socialism, cannot be intended for academic purpose, and should orient itself for political thought and action. One of the weaknesses of Revolutionary Democracy is that it either ignored or gave far less importance to the revolutionary movements in India, Philippines, Peru, Turkey, Nepal and elsewhere. Similarly, these movements have also given a similar importance to the journal, despite its close adherence to Stalinism.
Revolutionary Democracy is basically a political-ideological journal without having linked to any particular political party. Naturally, one expects a more vibrant stand towards various genuine revolutionary forces and movements.
As a people’s organisation fighting against imperialist onslaught and anti people policies of Indian state and working towards building a new democratic India we hope that Revolutionary Democracy will contribute in a more concrete and practical ways vis-à-vis the revolutionary and democratic movements in India and in all oppressed countries.
Dr. Darshan Pal
President, AIPRF,
We learn that with the September 2004 issue, Revolutionary Democracy has completed 10 years of publication.
The issues of Revolutionary Democracy that we went through furnished rich material from the history of the communist movement, particularly from the period of socialist construction in the Soviet Union under the leadership of Com. Stalin. The material related to that period and also to the work of the great revolutionary Dimitrov, Secretary General of the Communist International were made available by Revolutionary Democracy.
With the restoration of capitalism in China and after the collapse of social-imperialism in Soviet Union, the imperialists launched a feverish attack against Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, socialism and the international working class movement. One of the central points of this attack was targeted against the period of socialist construction in Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin and period of socialist construction in China under the leadership of Mao Zedong. This attack consisted largely of slandering and spreading misinformation about the work of these great revolutionary leaders and teachers of international proletariat and toiling people of the world. The publication of the material by Revolutionary Democracy related to the work of socialist construction in Soviet Union and the work of Stalin, Dimitrov and other revolutionary leaders has been useful in providing material against the slander and disinformation campaign of the imperialists and reactionaries as well as in clarifying some of the issues relating to socialist construction in Soviet Union which are being deliberately confused by the enemies of socialism and working class movement.
We consider publication of the material related to the period of socialist construction in Soviet Union and People’s Republic of China as vitally important and a good service to the revolutionary movement. It frustrates the designs of the imperialists and reactionaries to mislead the people, particularly young cadres entering the revolutionary movement who have little access to this material and who are being bombarded by the disinformation campaign mentioned above.
We greet you and the team bringing out Revolutionary Democracy for this useful service in the course of the ten years of its existence.
With greetings,
Y.S. Rao,
Editor, New Democracy, Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML),
Dated: February 23, 2005
It gives me great pleasure in sending this message of revolutionary greetings and good wishes to you on the occasion of your commemorating the completion of ten years of publication of Revolutionary Democracy.
In this bleak period of disarray, disintegration and renunciation of revolutionary Marxism throughout the world prevailing for the past half century after Stalin’s death, uninterrupted publication of a journal of a high standard as Revolutionary Democracy and that amidst the onslaught of bourgeois ideologies is no mean achievement for its promoters and no small gain for the movement as a whole.
After the defeat of the 1905 revolution the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party disintegrated. Not only the enemies of the people, even communists began renouncing Marxism, liquidationist trends became rampant. To keep up the morale of the proletarian party, Lenin pointed out that periods of renunciation and disintegration have been known to all countries. There were cases when not even groups remained, but only isolated individuals who in similar circumstances managed for ten or more years ‘to keep the banner flying’, to keep the ideas of continuity alive and subsequently to apply these ideas in a materially changed social and material situation.
In the present state of utter confusion when deeper study for theoretical clarity was of utmost urgency for the revival of communist movement, I believe Revolutionary Democracy has played a great role by upholding the banner of revolutionary Marxism and helping others to do the same by providing them with valuable materials of historic importance which were so long lying in oblivion in the archives of the Soviet Union.
The November Revolution of 1917 in Russia amidst gun fires of the World War I, inaugurated the era of world socialist revolution and with it began the General Crisis of Capitalism. The victory of socialism over German and Japanese fascism in 1945 deepened the general crisis and world socialist revolution forged ahead. But the capture of power by the revisionist renegades and subsequent restoration of capitalism in USSR and China gave moribund capitalism a temporary respite. In spite of the general crisis, it was able to maintain stability by creating a fear psychosis through propagating the hoax of aggression, and resorting to militarisation of the economy for exporting arms to NATO powers and to others who needed arms to suppress peoples’ uprisings.
With the dismantling of the USSR in 1991, the dread of Soviet aggression was no longer felt by the European community, the arms market began to dwindle, the general crisis further deepened and capitalism reached the stage of senility. Now all the symptoms indicate that the moribund capitalist society has completed its term of natural expectation of life. Yet, like all previous exploiting societies in their craving to cling to life obstinately, postponing the final day of demise, it will continue to exist in a state of life-in-death and, as if under the spell of a sorcerer, will venture out periodically to destroy human lives, cultural and historical heritages as it has done in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo. It will go on destroying everything human until its grave-diggers, the world proletariat, steeled in combat through a series of defeats and ripened into a really revolutionary party, comes forward to overthrow and bury it finally.
The world proletariat has started to come out of its stupor. Slowly and surely it is shaking off the old national sectarianism to combat world capitalism unitedly. After a series of defeats it will be matured enough to build up its own revolutionary party.
I hope Revolutionary Democracy will play a greater role in the process of building up a really revolutionary party of the proletariat by providing it with intellectual and cultural material.
With greetings,
Banbehari Chakrabarty.
26th December 2004,
On the historic occasion of RD completing 10 years of existence I can only say that it has not just survived to stay afloat against all odds but has become a foremost Marxist/Leninist journal both nationally and internationally. Your diligence and untiring efforts to produce some pathbreaking articles on the class character of the Indian state and the road of revolution, accumulating and digging out articles that have been hitherto out of reach of the struggling masses and in particular researched articles by Soviet Marxists is highly commendable. When the peoples’ history will be written RD’s name will come as a shining example of contributing and enriching the debates on the path of Indian revolution, workers’ and peasants’ movement, defending the great Marxist teacher Stalin and persistently fighting alien and other reactionary trends in the realm of ideas. I can only hope that RD continues to illuminate the path of revolution and serve the cause of revolution with this revolutionary zeal and equip the struggling masses, workers, intellectuals with the invincible weapon of Marxism and Leninism.
Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mao Viva Viva.
In solidarity always,
Sandeep Bajeli,
12th March 2005.
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